Following My Passion

Hello, I am Tara! My story starts back when I was right out of high school. I was indecisive of which of my two passions I wanted as a career/ full-time business; a choice to go to the school of visual arts in NYC to be graphic designer or a full-time Personal Fitness Trainer, at the time, I chose Fitness Trainer. I knew being an artist, at the time, was more a hobby then a career. Fast forward 16 years later, I am still a personal fitness trainer traveling to client’s homes with my own business and then there was a crash in the market in 2007, well training was not on the priority list for most of my clients, so I looked at this slow time as an opportunity to be creative with my other passion, designing jewelry! I opened my first jewelry shop on Etsy in 2010, then my second shop (this one ) in 2016, both with different jewelry expressions. I am so grateful & humble to know how many customers lives I touch everyday, I am so thankful to ETSY, a company that has supported me through all these years where I am able to work from home with the love my life, as well and take care of my ailing Mom who had a stroke and has Alzheimer’s Disease.
I recently sold my childhood home, to purchase a tiny house right next door to me, literally 15 feet away, where now my mother resides. Since I work from home , I can take care for her which is such a blessing to be able to do this for her - I am still a certified personal trainer with a limited clientele and of course I am still designing! What else can I ask for!

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